

There are a couple of configurable settings that define the content of the X-UA-Compatible HTTP response header. Realistically, virtually no one will need to modify these. But if you do, simply set a custom value for them in your

Available Settings


The default value is 'Edge'. This means that if GCF is not activated IE will use the highest compatibility mode available. Other values include:

  • None
  • '5'
  • '6'
  • '7'
  • 'EmulateIE7'
  • '8'

A value of None, will turn off compatibility mode changing. Other values correspond to various Internet Explorer browser modes. Virtually everyone will be best served by using the default value of 'Edge'.

See also

More information on compatibility modes can be found in the MSDN article META Tags and Locking in Future Compatibility.


Default value is '1'. This means that all versions of IE with GCF installed will activate it. Other options include:

  • 'IE6'
  • 'IE7'
  • 'IE8'

These values activate GCF only on the named IE version and older. Newer versions will behave according to the value of GCF_IE_COMPATIBILITY_MODE. Again, few people will need to change this setting. A value of '1' will likely serve you best.

See also

The GCF developer documentation has more information regarding activation methods.