

These decorators allow you to apply or remove the X-UA-Compatible HTTP header on individual views.

Available Decorators


This decorator applies the X-UA-Compatible HTTP header to individual views, rather than site-wide as GoogleChromeFrameIEMiddleware does.

from gcframe.decorators import gcframe

def some_view(request):


The trailing () are required on this decorator, even when no arguments are passed.

It accepts the key-word arguments compat_mode and act_method. These arguments correspond to GCF_IE_COMPATIBILITY_MODE and GCF_IE_ACTIVATION_METHOD, respectively.

Using these arguments is useful when you wish to set the X-UA-Compatible HTTP header to something different than the default that is being used by this decorator on other views or by the middleware site-wide.

from gcframe.decorators import gcframe

def some_view(request):


This decorator instructs the GoogleChromeFrameIEMiddleware to not set the X-UA-Compatible HTTP header.

from gcframe.decorators import gcframe_exempt

def some_view(request):

Obviously this will only affect change when the middleware is installed. It is harmless if the middleware is not installed.

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