.. _settings: .. module:: gcframe.settings :synopsis: Configurable settings that affect the behavior of the middleware and decorators. Settings ======== Overview -------- There are a couple of configurable settings that define the content of the ``X-UA-Compatible`` HTTP response header. Realistically, virtually no one will need to modify these. But if you do, simply set a custom value for them in your :file:`settings.py`. Available Settings ------------------ .. _GCF_IE_COMPATIBILITY_MODE: GCF_IE_COMPATIBILITY_MODE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The default value is ``'Edge'``. This means that if :abbr:`GCF (Google Chrome Frame)` is not activated :abbr:`IE (Internet Explorer)` will use the highest compatibility mode available. Other values include: * ``None`` * ``'5'`` * ``'6'`` * ``'7'`` * ``'EmulateIE7'`` * ``'8'`` A value of ``None``, will turn off compatibility mode changing. Other values correspond to various Internet Explorer browser modes. Virtually everyone will be best served by using the default value of ``'Edge'``. .. seealso:: More information on compatibility modes can be found in the MSDN article `META Tags and Locking in Future Compatibility`_. .. _META Tags and Locking in Future Compatibility: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/cc817574.aspx .. _GCF_IE_ACTIVATION_METHOD: GCF_IE_ACTIVATION_METHOD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Default value is ``'1'``. This means that all versions of IE with GCF installed will activate it. Other options include: * ``'IE6'`` * ``'IE7'`` * ``'IE8'`` These values activate GCF only on the named IE version and older. Newer versions will behave according to the value of :ref:`GCF_IE_COMPATIBILITY_MODE`. Again, few people will need to change this setting. A value of ``'1'`` will likely serve you best. .. seealso:: The `GCF developer documentation`_ has more information regarding activation methods. .. _GCF developer documentation: http://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/chrome-frame-getting-started