.. _index: .. module:: gcframe.tests :synopsis: How to check current build status, run tests locally. Development =========== Source Code ----------- ``gcframe`` source code is managed using Git, and can be found on GitHub_. Feel free to clone, fork, and contribute. .. _GitHub: https://github.com/benspaulding/django-gcframe/ Documentation ------------- The documentation is written in plain text, viewable practially anywhere. An HTML version of the docs can be found online at `Read the Docs`_. If you want to build a local version of these, you can install Sphinx_, and then from the ``doc`` directory in this repository, run:: make html You will find the built docs in the ``docs/_build/html`` directory. .. _Read The Docs: http://readthedocs.org/docs/django-gcframe/ .. _Sphinx: http://sphinx.pocoo.org/ Tests ----- |Build status|_ .. |Build status| image:: https://secure.travis-ci.org/benspaulding/django-gcframe.png .. _Build status: http://travis-ci.org/benspaulding/django-gcframe ``gcframe`` has a decent test suite, which can and will improve in time. Current build status can be found at `Travis CI`_. .. _Travis CI: http://travis-ci.org/benspaulding/django-gcframe To run tests, be sure Django is installed, then run:: django-admin.py test gcframe --settings="gcframe.tests.settings" If you have not installed ``gcframe``, but are working from a Git checkout, you will need to either have it on your ``PYTHONPATH`` or run the above command from the root of the repository. .. note:: In order for ``gcframe`` tests to run in your project, you will need to add ``gcframe`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS``. (Mentioned here because no other ``gcframe`` functionality requires this.)